Why we started Brophy Art Academy

Uncategorized Jul 30, 2020

Drew and I have always loved art and the warm feeling of collaborating with other creative people.

Together for the past 20 years we have traveled the world sharing art with others; teaching kids how to paint in surfing towns in Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Bali and all over Europe.

We have accidentally created a warm, close community of artists and creatives, from newbies to lifelong professionals.  It brings us great joy when we are able to encourage someone to paint for the first time and discover that they are capable of making art.

In 2018 we created Brophy Art Academy with the intention of building a loving, inclusive community of artists.

We welcome everyone, even someone who hasn’t yet tried their hand at art.

We dreamed of building a group of people who would enjoy learning and who would also encourage others to be creative.

Our mantra is:  There are no rules in art!  Everyone should enjoy the freedom to create in any way they please.

And that’s what we encourage:  creatively express yourself in a way that feels right to you, and we will cheer you on.

Along the way, we will support you through our online and in-person events.  We also offer online courses from various expert artists to help you get better at the skills you want to improve upon.

Remember this – anything that you are having a challenge with, there is a solution.  Any dream that you have, there is a way to reach it.  Any question you have, there is an answer!

We are here to help you find your answers and solutions.  That is what excites us – helping others reach their creative goals.

Please, leave a comment below and let us know what artistic challenges you are having and we will try to help.

We appreciate our connection with you here, thanks for being here!

Maria (and Drew) Brophy



50% Complete

Two Step

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