Get Hired, Price Your Wall Mural
Protect yourself with a
Wall Mural Proposal Template
This online Course and Template package MAKES THE BUSINESS OF MURAL PAINTING EASY for you.
The Business of Mural Painting DONE FOR YOU!
- Do you stress over how much $$$ to charge for a wall mural?
- Do you agonize over writing up a proposal?
- This package does all the work for you!
- Includes a Mural Pricing Template that helps you charge the best price that is fair to both parties
- Includes a DONE FOR YOU Proposal Template that will help you get the job AND protect you
- Includes easy to follow video instruction and strategies on HOW TO GET THE JOB from Maria Brophy
- Maria has been pricing and writing mural proposals for 2 decades. She figured out the business end for you; all you have to do is plug in your info!
- Maria's course videos can help you:
- Get hired for a wall mural
- Avoid Red Flags
- Decide how much to charge
- Determine who keeps the copyrights
- Get paid ON TIME
- Avoid costly mistakes
- Make your client so happy they will tell everyone about you!
"I just got hired for a large-scale art installation. I’ve painted murals before, but this is the most I’ve ever been paid, $52,000! Your strategies made it happen! Woooohooooo!! ππ½ππ½ππ½ It’s a dream come true. They are mailing me a deposit check today. I literally fell on the floor when I found out. ππ½ππ½ time to get to work! Thank you.” Lynette W. from San Diego
Included in the course:
- Lesson 1: How to get hired to paint a Mural
- Lesson 2: How to PRICE $ your Mural (real life pricing experienced artists use)
- Includes a Price Sheet Template
- Lesson 3: How to Propose your Mural Project.
- Includes a Wall Mural Proposal Template that you can use again and again, with the perfect language and look that will impress your client and get you paid
- Secret techniques on how to get hired (hint: simple strategies make it easier than you think)
- Lesson 4: How to make your Mural client happy!
- TEMPLATES in a Word Doc that you can change and use again and again.
- Pricing Template
- Proposal Template
Insider Secrets
In this course, I share with you the following insider secrets to mural painting:
- How much money you should charge, and what I'm charging!
- I give you all my pricing in a structure that lays out different prices for different sizes - it's in a word doc, so you can make changes to the price sheet for your own use
- I explain what limits you should have in your proposal to keep your client from making too many changes to the scope of the work (so you don't lose money)
- Payment schedule to ensure that you get paid up front and on time!
- Tips on how to get your client to say "YES" to your proposal
Total Win
I had never done a mural before, so I had a lot to figure out in addition to the proposal. This template helped me immensely, and I got the job! It's 37' x 15', inside of a children's tutoring center. Being able to use this gave me the time to do inspiration research to put together for the client, so by the time I started sketching, it was easy to put together different ideas. It was worth it, thanks Maria for making this available!
- Jacqueline Brown
Helped My Career
Hi Maria. I first read your mural pricing info five years ago, and it was extremely helpful to me in developing my own pricing chart. It gave me the courage to have a minimum project fee and to post my mural pricing online. Thank you for doing what you do to help artists with the business side of things.
- Toni
I Got The Job!
I recently bought Maria's proposal template for mural art and was able to land my first big wall mural art gig! They chose me out of 7 artists they interviewed. Maria gave me great ideas about how to price the wall murals. Just wanted to say thank you! I was hired to do three full-room wrap around murals for a house converting into a preschool. All this done in one month. :)
- Cynthia Jax
Maria Says:
"I put this course and templates together to help artists EASILY make money doing what they love; painting murals. My promise to you: this proposal template and my course videos will make your job 100% easier as a mural artist."
Yes! I am ReadyAbout Maria Brophy
Maria Brophy has been an art agent to her husband Drew Brophy and other artists for nearly 25 years. She's put together thousands of proposals for artists.
BEWARE: Many "art coaches" teach business concepts they have never. Be very careful taking business advice from people who haven't done the work.
Maria ONLY shares the strategies she has personally used and prospered from.
Maria doesn't just teach concepts, she has DONE the work and she gives you all of it, making it easy for you.
It is Maria's purpose in life to make artists' business lives easier by giving them strategies and tools that work.
Her students love that she shares her own pricing information freely.
The photo is of Maria and Drew Brophy, in front of a mural they painted at the Myrtle Beach Museum of Art.
QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS COURSE? Email Maria Brophy directly at [email protected]

Legal Disclaimer:
Maria Brophy is not an attorney; the information and templates in this package was developed over time for her own use and her artist client's use. For legal advice and legal documents please consult an artist's attorney.