$195.00 USD

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How to Price and Propose a Wall Mural COURSE - with Price Sheet and Proposal Template

Save yourself many years of struggle and confusion!

What you'll get:

  Wall Mural Pricing Template 

  Wall Mural Proposal Template

  A full online course with detailed stories and guidance on how to price, propose and get the deal

This complete template and course package makes the Business of Painting Wall Murals easy for you!

Maria Brophy has been in the business of murals, illustrations and art sales for over 20 years.  Her specialty is putting together deals that are good for the artist and the client.  

This package gives you the tools you need to propose your future mural projects.  Templates included can be used again and again, saving you a lot of time and agony.

Let something be easy for you!  And let Maria be your "mural proposal agent" in a package.

What People Are Saying:

I had never done a mural before, so I had a lot to figure out in addition to the proposal. This template helped me immensely, and I got the job! It's 37' x 15', inside of a children's tutoring center. Being able to use this gave me the time to do inspiration research to put together for the client, so by the time I started sketching, it was easy to put together different ideas. It was worth it, thanks Maria for making this available!

Jacqueline Brown

Hi Maria. I first read your mural pricing info five years ago, and it was extremely helpful to me in developing my own pricing chart. It gave me the courage to have a minimum project fee and to post my mural pricing online. Thank you for doing what you do to help artists with the business side of things.


I recently bought Maria's proposal template for mural art and was able to land my first big wall mural art gig! They chose me out of 7 artists they interviewed. Maria gave me great ideas about how to price the wall murals. Just wanted to say thank you! I was hired to do three full-room wrap around murals for a house converting into a preschool. All this done in one month. :)

Cynthia Jax